Adopted by President’s Cabinet October 30, 2012
Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 9/26/16; 3/30/23

Policy Statement

十大正规网赌平台欢迎志愿者支持,以完成其使命 education and public service. The service, advice and insight that volunteers provide are an invaluable resource. The College will make every effort to provide volunteers with a meaningful, worthwhile experience. 

Reason for Policy and Scope of Policy

这一政策旨在降低志愿者的风险,保护志愿者的利益 College, its volunteers and the community it services. It addresses various issues 十大正规网投平台为学院提供服务的志愿者的定义 关系,其特权和责任,并澄清学院的责任 for using the services of volunteers. Any unit, office or department that engages volunteers on behalf of the College is covered by this policy. 


The following definitions apply to the terms as used in this policy: 
“Agent of the Institution” is an individual acting on behalf of the College. 
“志愿者”是无偿提供服务的个人 学院的业务为他们的利益,以支持人道主义,慈善事业 或参加学院的公益活动志愿者,或获得具体的经验 endeavors. To qualify as a College volunteer, an individual must be willing to provide service according to the procedures set forth in this policy.  Student interns, including student practicums, are included.  Volunteers are agents of the institution.

Procedures for Screening and Engaging Volunteers

Responsibility of Volunteers

志愿服务虽然没有报酬,但却使志愿者成为社会的代理人 institution while performing assigned duties. Therefore, volunteers are expected to 遵守学院政策、程序和外部规定(校董会政策) 规范他们的行为,包括但不限于道德行为, confidentiality, safety, sexual harassment, conduct and alcohol and drug use. 

Eligibility of Volunteers

任何年满18岁的人,包括退休人员、学生、校友、 or other community members may provide volunteer service to the College. Current employees 经总统特别考虑,可以担任志愿者吗 对员工当前的工作安排,经员工主管批准 conclusion that no conflicts in work or volunteer schedules exist. Employees cannot volunteer to do the same (similar or identical) work for which they are employed. 作为志愿者服务的员工必须填写《十大正规网投平台》 Employees. 


单位、办公室或部门负责确保志愿者被选中 并且有足够的经验、资格和训练来完成任务 he or she will be required to perform. The unit, office or department that identifies 需要或收到志愿服务请求的,应当采取适当措施 to ensure that all College volunteer procedures are followed.

    1. 部门经理必须通知学院人力资源总监 填写“义工服务申请表”或“义工服务申请表” Request form.
    2. 必须填写并提交志愿者职责和服务的说明 with the Request for Volunteer Services form.
    3. 人力资源总监将审核申请并通知部门 manager of the initial authorization or denial for the request.
    4. 经授权后,人力资源厅将与个人会面 complete the necessary paperwork:

EGSC Volunteer Agreement: 由志愿者及工作单位或部门签署; Personal Data; Emergency Contacts; and Authorization to perform a criminal background check and/or credit check. The Office of Human Resources will conduct a criminal background check using USG approved vendor.  The office or department engaging the volunteer will bear the cost of the background checks for volunteers working with minors.

在收到明确的背景结果后,人力资源厅将通知 部门经理的最终授权允许志愿者开始工作 volunteer activities. If background results reflect Criminal History or Credit history 对此,雇用背景调查委员会将对调查结果进行审查 决定是否可以通过校董会授予或继续履行志愿者职责 eligibility criteria for employees, and notice requirements. The Director of Human 资源将作为委员会和潜在志愿者之间的联系.  The background check is valid for one-year/6 months.

现任员工担任志愿者必须事先获得公司的书面批准 他们的主管在员工正常工作期间执行任何志愿者工作 hours and submit annual leave for time missed.

Volunteer Services Exempt from Volunteer Agreement

一般来说,学院志愿者需要填写一份志愿者协议表格 before he or she may engage in volunteer activities for the institution. However, for certain one-time low risk activities, an Agreement is not required. Activities which do not require a Volunteer Agreement:

      • Commencement
      • Foundation meetings, events or activities;
      • Public speakers or performers at the College; and
      • Phone a Thon Volunteers and other fund-raising activities.

要确定是否有特定的低风险志愿者活动是免税的,请联系 Director of Human Resources. 

Volunteer Start Date

在任何志愿者开始他或她的工作之前,都需要进行背景调查 service at the College. 

Prohibited Activities

志愿服务一般限于人道主义、慈善或公共服务. 因此,大学志愿者被禁止从事以下任何行为 activities:

    • Operating heavy equipment, including government owned vehicles;
    • Operating any power driven circular saws, band saws;
    • Entering in to any contract on behalf of the College; and
    • Any activity considered inappropriate for a College employee. 

Liability for Volunteers

Volunteer duties may involve certain risks. The College is self insured through the 乔治亚州行政服务风险管理部门反对州侵权索赔. 这一覆盖范围扩展到大学志愿者,他们是一个结构化项目的一部分 由学院部门组织、控制和指导,目的是进行教学 out the functions of the institution. The liability coverage is for injuries and/or 志愿者在执行公务过程中可能给他人造成财产损失 volunteer duties. Liability coverage does not apply when volunteers deviate from the course of their volunteer duties. 

Benefits for Volunteers

大学志愿者不受《十大正规网投平台》的保护,因此不被考虑 employees of the institution for any purpose. Therefore, volunteers are not entitled 为员工提供福利,学院不为志愿者提供意外或意外伤害 medical insurance. Further, volunteers are not covered by worker’s compensation laws in connection with their volunteer affiliation. If the volunteer duties require utilization 对志愿者的个人车辆,学院不提供综合或碰撞服务 insurance for the volunteer’s vehicle. 

Payments to Volunteers

付款,付款的承诺,未来就业的承诺,或特别对价 for voluntary services are not allowed. However, the unit, office or department may 报销因履行合同而产生的预先批准的实际合理费用 of assigned tasks following the standard College reimbursement procedures. Such pre-approval 志愿者与单位、办公室或部门之间应以书面形式签署 在需要报销费用的活动发生之前进行.

Required Training for Volunteers

根据佐治亚大学制度的政策,志愿者将参与 in ethics training and environmental affairs/right to know training. 

Ending the Volunteer Arrangement

大学志愿者的服务可以在任何时候被终止,并且是唯一的和排他性的 discretion of the College, and without prior notice. Likewise, a volunteer may give notice of intent to leave at any time. 

Record Retention

人力资源部将保留所有填写好的志愿者协议表格 自最后一次志愿服务之日起不少于3年 day of service. 

Returning Volunteers

如果个人是回国的志愿者,但在服务上的突破大于 十二(12)个月后,上述所有适用流程必须再次完成. 

Change in Duties

 If an individual is a current volunteer, but his or her duties have changed, all applicable forms and processes described above must be completed again. 

Contact Person

Danielle Calloway, Chief Human Resources Officer, 478-289-2035, dcallowayFREEOMNIUPDATE